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Prof Sunil Kumar Sharma
Invited Speaker - ETFC24

ETFC24 was honoured to have Dr. Sunil K. Sharma, a distinguished professor from the Department of Chemistry. Dr. Sharma began his academic journey at the University of Delhi, where he earned his BSc (Hons), MSc, and PhD degrees, focusing on synthetic and natural product chemistry. With over a decade of research experience across esteemed institutes worldwide, including Germany, the USA, Denmark, the UK, and Spain, Dr. Sharma has cultivated a rich scientific background.

His academic excellence has been recognized through numerous awards and fellowships, including accolades from DBT (India), RSC (UK), and prestigious fellowships from UGC (India), the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, DANIDA (Denmark), and NIH (USA). Dr. Sharma's current research interests encompass organic synthesis, bio-catalysis, responsive polymer-based functional materials, and nanotechnology, where he has made significant contributions evident through his extensive publication record and active participation in international conferences.

With over 138 peer-reviewed journal papers and an impressive average impact factor of 3.2, Dr. Sharma's scholarly endeavors have enriched scientific literature. He has successfully supervised fifteen PhD and two MPhil candidates, reflecting his commitment to fostering research excellence. Dr. Sharma's research projects, funded by esteemed bodies such as CSIR, DBT, SERB-DST, DRDO, and various international collaborations, underscore his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge.

As a prominent figure in both national and international scientific communities, Dr. Sharma's active involvement in conferences and collaborations continues to drive scientific discourse and innovation forward.

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