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Prof Shashank Deep

Invited Speaker - ETFC24

ETFC24 was honoured to have Professor Shashank Deep from the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi as an esteemed invited speaker. With a distinguished academic journey that spans over two decades, Professor Deep's expertise in chemical biology and disease mechanisms has made him a prominent figure in the scientific community.

Having joined the department as an assistant professor in 2005, Professor Deep has since risen to become a full Professor in 2018. He is recognized as a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Biology in London, underscoring his significant contributions to the field.

In his laboratory, Professor Deep and his team are dedicated to unraveling the underlying causes of various diseases and developing strategies to combat them. Their research encompasses the development of inhibitors for fibril formation, modulation of receptor-ligand interactions, and exploration of new targets for tuberculosis treatment.

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