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Prof Ashwani Tiwari
Invited Speaker - ETFC24

ETFC24 was honoured to have Professor Ashwani K. Tiwari, a distinguished scholar in theoretical chemistry. With a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and postdoctoral stints at esteemed institutions such as the Technical University of Denmark and the University of Massachusetts,

Amherst, Professor Tiwari brings a wealth of expertise to his role.

Currently serving as a Professor of Theoretical Chemistry and Dean of International Relations and Outreach at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Professor Tiwari's research focuses on the dynamics of laser-molecule and molecule-metal surface interactions. His contributions to theoretical chemistry have earned him accolades, including the Bronze Medal of the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) and fellowship in the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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